

Carpentry jobsCARPENTRY

We remodel kitchens and bathrooms, repair and replace decks, doors, windows, screens, replace damaged siding and trim.

We do all sorts of plumbing installs and repairsPLUMBING

 Faucets, toilets, sinks, hose connections, garbage disposals, dishwashers, water heaters.

Need a new switch or other electrical work?ELECTRICAL

Lights, ceiling fans, switches, thermostats




We install and fix appliancesAPPLIANCES

Repair and install garbage disposals, dishwashers, dehumidifiers, etc.

We install and repair windowsWINDOWS

Broken glass, glass panes, installation, replacement windows, locks and pulleys repair.

We install and repair doorsDOORS

Replace, adjust, install, trim, replace locks.

We repair and install screens for your windows and doorsSCREENS

Windows, doors, replace and repair.

certified locksmithLOCKS

I am a Certified Locksmith. Repair and replace locks and deadbolts.

We install and repair sheetrockWALL (SHEETROCK)

A hole in the wall, a sagging ceiling?

Broken or missing tiles? We install tiles for kitchens and bathroomsTILES

Floor and wall for bathroom and kitchens. Tiles falling out? We replace those and broken tiles.

We unpack and assemble furniture for your home or officeUNPACK & ASSEMBLE

You finally received your new furniture for the home or office? Cabinets, shelves, tables, chairs, ceilings fans? Call us and we will unpack and assemble everything.





We haul away yard or storm debris (branches, fences, bags of leaves) and household items (furniture, stoves, sheetrock).



bike repairBIKE REPAIR

We tune up bikes and fix them. Get ready for spring!




mail box repairMAILBOX REPAIR

After a tough winter, we can repair your knocked down mail box.